Main Page
Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear. - Thomas Jefferson
Welcome to! Today is Tuesday, March 11, 2025. We now feature 2,552 pages, 702 articles and 1,189 files.
NOTICE: For the next few weeks, user registrations and page editing will be temporarily disabled. We've had a large amount of spam-bots attempt to create accounts and junk up the content so we'll be making some changes to fix this and then un-locking user registration. If you want an account created in the meantime, use the contact link to let us know. Thanks for your patience and understanding. was launched to provide a central repository for resources relating to debate and discussion on a wide variety of issues surrounding the critical thinking movement, including Religion, Atheism, Science, Debate Techniques and more. We even welcome theists here as long as you behave yourselves and don't vandalize our Wiki. Would you like to contribute to our online resource? |

The idea here is to provide a place to link to which saves time in having to repeat many common arguments or dispel false assumptions (for example, Is Atheism a "belief"?)
New to all of this? Start with Why atheists care about religion and Introduction To Religion.
Here are a few of the main areas we want to populate:
- Theism - Definitions of Theism, including a list of different Religions and details on how different religions distinguish themselves from each other
- Atheism - An introduction to Atheism
- Common Theist Arguments - An overview of common arguments made by theists, with examples and debunking
- Theological Criticisms - An overview of various arguments against theism in general and specific beliefs and scripture.
- Priest Abuse - News items featuring abuses by clergy
- Theists Gone Wild - Sometimes theists are so misguided it can be perceived as amusing, in a very sad sort of way. Here's a collection of videos.
- Now Showing in the FTP Theatre: Judgement Day - Intelligent Design on Trial
- Humor - The lighter side of irrationality.
- Logical Fallacies - A listing of the various types of invalid arguments used in debate, with examples and explanations
- Scripture - FTP's overview of scripture and history, edited by historian, Rook Hawkins
- Free Thought Resources - A listing of Freethought-Oriented Groups
- Religious Apologists - Bold and aggressive theists who try to convince others
- Freethought Imagery - Funny, provocative and thoughtful images to use here or elsewhere
- Freethinkers - Our role call of notable online active freethinkers. Also see Famous atheists.
- Deconversion Stories - Everyone has a story to tell about how they escaped from the bonds of ignorance & fear
- Religion Humor - The joke's on religion
- Vandals - If you deface the site, your IP address and information is permanently posted for all to reference later, and make no mistake, you're not anonymous online
- Definitions - FreethoughtPedia Dictionary
- Religious Debate - Debates between theists and atheists
- Conversations - Are you a theist and want to comment? This is the page from which to do so.
FreeThoughtPedia is not looking to encroach into the area of Wikipedia. We want to focus mostly on common arguments, apologetic debunking, illumination of logical fallacies, interpretation and analysis of dogma & scripture, science as it relates to critical thinking arguments, and as simplistic an overview as possible on the various types of religion and world views currently in play.
Getting started
We welcome and encourage people to add and improve the content on FreeThoughtPedia. Please take a look at our Editorial guidelines and if you're new to Wiki, see How to create and edit pages.
This site costs a lot of money in bandwidth and resources. We are glad to bring it to you free, but would you consider helping support our site by making a donation? Any amount would go a long way towards helping us continue to provide this useful service to the community.
Click on the Paypal button below to donate. Your support is most appreciated! |