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File talk:Concordat.jpg

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It is definitely unfair to claim that the Pope's signing of the COncordat legitimised the Nazis for Christians generally or that the Pope speaks for Christians generally. The Reformation was quite a big split, you know!! ;) As a Christian theist I certainly don't look to the Pope for moral or spiritual guidance. I am afraid I simply see him as a relic of the power of the Roman empire and I see the Roman Catholic Church as a historically political body that tailored Christianity to its own ends (indulgences, Papal infallilbity from the Chair, enforced clerical celibacy, mankhood, the Mass etc. were all Roman additions to Christianity.) So please be a little more careful in your claims. It does risk undermining your determination to be rational and thought through. Actually most Roman Catholics call themselves Catholics not Christians - thus Christians tend not to sit under Papal authority. Many thanks and best wishes.

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