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Jesus loves the little zygotes

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(This song is sung to the tune of "Jesus loves the little children", a commentary on the state of science and religion:)

Latest revision as of 13:29, 20 July 2009

This song is sung to the tune of "Jesus loves the little children", a commentary on the state of science and religion:


Jesus loves the little zygotes


all the zygotes of the world.

G G7

Jesus loves them until they're born


then abandons them forlorn.

Am D G

Jesus loves the little zygotes 'til they're born.

Jesus loves the little children

all the children of the world.

Jesus gives them heart defects

measles, mumps, and ringwormed necks.

Jesus loves the little children of the world.

Jesus lets their parents beat them,

bruise their bodies black and blue.

Jesus gives them birth defects,

scurvy, ticks, and palate clefts.

Jesus loves the little children of the world.

Jesus gives the children cancer.

Earaches, lice, and scabies too.

Bowel obstructions, altered lips,

blighted brains and twisted hips.

Extra chromosomes to help them when they pray.


Jesus gives the children acne.

AIDS and leprosy galore.

Germs and worms of every kind.

Things to make the children blind.

But he cannot give them smallpox anymore.

Scientists and unbelievers

wiped the pox right off the earth.

Jesus still gives gifts to kids,

broken nose and burnt eyelids.

But he cannot give them smallpox anymore.

Source: An old usenet post, as excavated by the Austin Atheists Group

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