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Adam and Eve

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Evanmileus (Talk | contribs)
(added link to The Garden of Eden)

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According to the Torah and later the Bible and the Qur'an, were supposedly the were the first man and woman created by God.


Adam is said to have been formed by God from "dust from the earth". Adam lives in The Garden of Eden. Adam eventually grows lonely, so God causes a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and removes a part of his ribcage. And creates Eve. God forbids Adam and Eve from eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, warning that they will die if they do. A serpent (usually interpreted to be The Devil). The serpent tempts Eve into eating the forbidden fruit, and she gives the fruit to Adam, too. They become aware of their nakedness, and when God sees the clothes they have made for themselves, he knows they've disobeyed his command. God expels them both from the Garden of Eden and curses them.

Outside Eden

The man is cursed to labor, and the woman is cursed to submit to her husband and to bear children in pain. God assigns an angel with a flaming sword to guard the entrance to Eden so they will not be able to get back inside. Adam and Eve have two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain kills Abel. Cain is then cursed to wander, and he founds a city and starts a family. These children then multiply, populate the world.

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