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Latest revision as of 20:41, 28 January 2008


The organization of this page is horrid. I'll work on the contents more reader friendly and perhaps making some sections more concise.

  • Okay, I've made a start but it'll need far more work. It should probably be divided into sections based on type of religion (ie. theism, monotheism, spiritualism, etc.) eventually, but it's nowhere near comprehensive enough for that yet.


Cool - I appreciate any and all help!--Pile 21:13, 7 December 2007 (CST)

--- Hello, I've added a bit about buddhism. I noticed it was blank. I'll be working to get you citations in the following weeks. I'd like your thoughts on how buddhism, in its theravadan form, doesn't really fit into the arguement here. It avoids the entire soul/no-soul arguement. Is there a possibility of having a separate philosophical section regarding it's strange position in the debate? Erik Coons 0623, 24 December 2007 (EST)

Thanks for your contribution! Feel free to add more!--Pile 09:46, 24 December 2007 (CST)


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