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This special page shows all uploaded files. When filtered by user, only files where that user uploaded the most recent version of the file are shown.

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Thumbnail ascDate Name User Size Description
12:51, 15 July 2007Atheist letter.jpg (file)Pile119 KB (A letter-to-the-editor of a local newspaper exemplifies the intolerance theists have towards those who don't share their beliefs.)
13:40, 15 July 2007Bananna.jpg (file)Pile35 KB (Ray Comfort, pastor of the Way of the Master church, demonstrates "The Atheist's Nightmare": a banana.)
14:41, 18 July 2007Crocoduck.jpg (file)Pile55 KB (Made famous by Kirk Cameron on the Atheist-Theist debate on ABC's Nightline, Kirk claimed that if evolution was true, we should find ''transitional fossils'' such as the half-crocodile, half-duck.)
14:51, 18 July 2007God did it.jpg (file)Pile55 KB (Sign in front of a church in Arkansas.)
15:49, 25 July 2007Crutch.gif (file)Pile10 KB 
15:50, 25 July 2007FSM3d.gif (file)Pile25 KB (Flying Spaghetti Monster 3D rendering)
15:51, 25 July 2007Imaginary friends.jpg (file)Pile58 KB 
15:51, 25 July 2007Jesus finger.jpg (file)Pile36 KB 
15:52, 25 July 2007Littlehope.jpg (file)Pile58 KB 
15:53, 25 July 2007Methods.gif (file)Pile63 KB 
15:53, 25 July 2007Pile.jpg (file)Pile24 KB 
15:55, 25 July 2007Religion.jpg (file)Pile62 KB 
15:56, 25 July 2007Religion-humanism.jpg (file)Pile38 KB 
17:01, 25 July 2007Dino jesus.JPG (file)Pile155 KB 
12:56, 31 July 2007Biblewarning.jpg (file)Pile47 KB 
12:57, 31 July 2007Cavemandebate.jpg (file)Pile32 KB 
12:58, 31 July 2007Comfort cameron rrs.jpg (file)Pile46 KB (Ray Comfort, Kirk Cameron, Brian Sapient, KellyM at the Nightline debate.)
12:58, 31 July 2007Csoperation.jpg (file)Pile75 KB 
12:59, 31 July 2007Godbush.jpg (file)Pile17 KB 
13:01, 31 July 2007Godlikestowatch.jpg (file)Pile488 KB 
13:01, 31 July 2007Godmitt.jpeg (file)Pile20 KB ("God is with us" - Nazi slogan)
13:03, 31 July 2007Goodhitler.jpg (file)Pile19 KB 
13:04, 31 July 2007Prayer motivational.jpg (file)Pile21 KB 
13:05, 31 July 2007Tbn.jpg (file)Pile25 KB 
13:08, 31 July 2007Christianity.jpg (file)Pile49 KB 
13:08, 31 July 2007Circular argument.jpg (file)Pile41 KB 
13:09, 31 July 2007Come holy spirit.jpg (file)Pile50 KB 
14:48, 31 July 2007Faith leap.jpg (file)Pile53 KB (Real billboard in Arkansas)
14:49, 31 July 2007Global-Warming-Rejoice-e.jpg (file)Pile54 KB 
14:50, 31 July 2007God-Doesnt-Love-You-e.jpg (file)Pile67 KB 
14:51, 31 July 2007HusbandUterus-e.jpg (file)Pile69 KB 
14:52, 31 July 2007Miracle.gif (file)Pile38 KB 
14:53, 31 July 2007No-Criticism-of-Religion-e.jpg (file)Pile56 KB 
14:54, 31 July 2007Not-persecuted.jpg (file)Pile33 KB 
14:54, 31 July 2007Occams.gif (file)Pile18 KB 
14:55, 31 July 2007Persecute.jpg (file)Pile57 KB 
14:56, 31 July 2007SmokingJesus.gif (file)Pile545 KB 
14:57, 31 July 2007The-Atheist-e.jpg (file)Pile40 KB 
14:58, 31 July 2007WhiteAmerica-e.jpg (file)Pile44 KB 
15:15, 31 July 2007Marbaby.jpg (file)Pile51 KB 
15:19, 31 July 2007Ripley4.jpg (file)Pile53 KB 
15:23, 31 July 2007Skyhorns.jpg (file)Pile22 KB 
15:23, 31 July 2007Solomon monkey-circus poster.jpg (file)Pile25 KB 
15:26, 31 July 2007Crusades.jpg (file)Pile39 KB 
15:28, 31 July 2007Ddt.jpg (file)Pile106 KB 
15:30, 31 July 2007Meat47b.jpg (file)Pile274 KB 
15:31, 31 July 2007Miracle.jpg (file)Pile49 KB 
15:32, 31 July 2007Syphilis.jpg (file)Pile101 KB 
15:34, 31 July 2007Tapeworms.jpg (file)Pile239 KB 
15:57, 31 July 2007Fluffer01.jpg (file)Pile85 KB 

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